- administrative docs to be downloaded

ordre de mission (to ask for money for meetings) - pdf file

to be reimboursed: état des frais

- Some analytical methods (in french)

Ce document contient un sommaire de techniques utilisables afin de mieux connaitre, identifier ou  déterminer, nos matériaux étudiés. Il n’est pas exhaustif. Certaines techniques sont bien adaptées au composant minéral, d’autre à l’organique. Certaines sont plus destructrices que d’autres, mais aucune ne laisse l’échantillon intact..............

- To read

** Rodríguez-Hidalgo A., Sanz M., Daura J., Sánchez-Marco A., 2020. Taphonomic criteria for identifying Iberian lynx dens in quaternary deposits. Scientific Reports vol. 10, Article number: 7225

Abstract: For decades, taphonomists have dedicated their efforts to assessing the nature of the massive leporid accumulations recovered at archaeological sites in the northwestern Mediterranean region. Their interest lying in the fact that the European rabbit constituted a critical part of human subsistence during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene. However, rabbits are also a key prey in the food webs of Mediterranean ecosystems and the base of the diet for several specialist predators, including the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). For this reason, the origin of rabbit accumulations in northwestern Mediterranean sites has proved a veritable conundrum. Here, we present the zooarchaeological and taphonomic study of more than 3000 faunal and 140 coprolite remains recovered in layer IIIa of Cova del Gegant (Catalonia, Spain). Our analysis indicates that this layer served primarily as a den for the Iberian lynx. The lynxes modified and accumulated rabbit remains and also died at the site creating an accumulation dominated by the two taxa. However, other agents and processes, including human, intervened in the final configuration of the assemblage. Our study contributes to characterizing the Iberian lynx fossil accumulation differentiating between the faunal assemblages accumulated by lynxes and hominins.

** Numéro de la revue Quaternaire (AFEQ-INQUA):

** Hochrein M. (La Roche University) Section: Taphonomy – Scavenging, Animal Attacks, Faunal turbation, and Bitemark Evidence Bibliography, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27982.51525

** Société Préhistorique Francaise: articles in pdf file, french or English version: 
« à coup d'éclats ! » La fracturation des matières osseuses en préhistoire : discussion autour d'une modalité d'exploitation en apparence simple et pourtant mal connue
free access

** Denys C., Brugal J.P. 2018. General to specific Quaternary taphonomy. Historical Biology, 30:6, 717-717 https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2018.1429856

** BRUGAL J.P., DENYS C. (coord.), 2018- “Taphonomie, Environnement et Archéologie”. Actes du 4th. Congr. WG Taphonomy, ICAZ, GDR 3591. Quaternaire, 29(1) : 3-86 https://journals.openedition.org/quaternaire/8541

** Taphonomie DIM matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux :  programme and abstracts

Zotero : how to

Following the first annual TAPHEN meeting organized by JP Brugal and hosted by M. Peresani and U. Thun hohenstein at Ferrara, I have created the Taphen Zotero account.Zotero is a free and open source Library manager exactly similar to Endnote. By joining the Zotero TAPHEN Group you will be allowed to upload all your references and PDF related to the taphen Network. The process is very simple:
1) Create your Zotero account online.

2) You will receive by email an invitation to join the Zotero TAPHEN Group: click on the link included in this email and click on ‘’join’’ that will appear in red at the mid-section of the right side of your screen in your Zotero online account.

3) Install Zotero on your computer. https://www.zotero.org/download/
4) Open Zotero on your computer and synchronize the software with your online Zotero account. It is explained here. Don’t be afraid it is simple https://www.zotero.org/support/sync
5) After synchronization, you will see a group named ‘’GDRI_Taphen’’ in the left section of the Zotero installed on your computer. 6) From there, using the Zotero installed on your computer you can add references and PDF in the GDRI_Taphen library. Here are some directions to use Zotero https://www.zotero.org/support/getting_stuff_into_your_library
7) This is a very intuitive software, it takes 30 min to follow the 6 steps above and 30 min more to explore the tools available at the Zotero installed on your computer.
8) Breathe deeply……. Once again…….
9) and meet one of the young scholars from your team who probably already uses Zotero and will be happy to provide you an additional 30 min short training.
You will see that I have created the sub-section ‘’Taphen General’’ in the library. Basically, anyone from the group can create a new subsection related to a specific working group if needed.
We have 300 MB free storage, unlimited storage is 120$/year. I suggest, when possible, to register the URL of the article if it is an open-access article instead of the PDF and to upload PDFs only for hardly available publications.

Solange Rigaud, PhD - UMR 5199 PACEA