The goals of The Taphonomy International Network (TaphEN) are to promote Taphonomy studies between the European teams and researchers. Different scientific axes and thematics are concerned (see Aims) covering a wide range of analysis and studies of  ‘objects’ s.l.  from the Quaternary epochconsidered with all their diversity and at different scales of analysis, within bio- and archeo-science frames. 

Possible  actions to develop an active and dynamic networking of the 
various actors in Taphonomy research (mobility, exchange)

- To initiate Working-groups favoring scientific exchanges and meetings between European partners  (see below: Actions 2018) ; include to some extend analysis cost, but not equipment;
- To organize Round-table, seminars... for WG or any specific themes related to taphonomy
- To encourage tranfer of competency (methodology) between teams and specialist, equipment and type of analysis, precise study protocols, support cost of analysis
- To create and to share DataBase, (as a virtual ‘Taphotheque’, modern and fossil referential/natural and experimental - in vitro and in vivo -  collection) ; to demonstrate the variability of records (Tapho-facies, Tapho-diversity)
- To support young taphoscientists, as contribution and participation to international congress or visit in laboratory or museum.

A call for projects happens at the beginning of each year (see  call for projects and projects pdf files below), funded partly by IRN (as ‘added value’). We also encourage colleagues to apply and to look for other funding at regional, national or international levels. 
 All requests have to be sent to the coordinator of taphen: 
Call for Working-Groups or specific projects are sent each year with a deadline, but other requests can be sent all over the year. Requests will be considered by the Scientific Committee constituted by representative of all partners.

Call of projets s.l. for 2023 within the Taphonomy European Network
Deadline 13th, Februray, 2023

The second mandate of Taphonomy European Network (2022-2026) would support different actions in 2022; following the call of project and commitment taken in 2021 (as meetings reported due to Covid). As well, we supported some young researchers to attend meetings.
If you are interest to participate or contribute, especially for WG, feel free to contact the fellows involved and coord. of projects (see attached pdf file)

Call for projects (deadline 20th February 2020)

The IRN group aims to develop a network on the subject of taphonomical studies. It is composed of several European partners in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, England, with one coordinator by country and laboratories.
Taphonomical approaches are a fundamental first analytical step for researches in paleoenvironmental,paleoecological and palethnological studies. They are developed in realms of trans- to pluri-disciplinary analyses (archeology, paleontology, geology, biology, ecology...) using a wide range of methodologies, and can be considered as a new integrative domain in Earth Sciences, Biosciences and Archeosciences.

The IRN focus in particular on the time period of the Quaternary (but periods can be concerned if implication on Pleistocene-Holocene archives). Proposals can target all categories of remains within different scientific fields and level of observations (geological/biological, natural/cultural, nano- to macro-scale,...)…….

All details in: (pdf file to download):

How to sumit
Administrative Vademecum
How to acknowledge TaphEN

Proposals to be send to J.P. Brugal (JPB /
deadline : 20th, February 2020
Each Proposal will be send to the Steering Committee for ranking
Credits can be available from March
Note that funds need to be used as much as possible for end of June, or at least committed near our administration for actions/missions after June (the end of 2020 CNRS fiscal year is late October)


WG1 - Bone Breakage Working Group
Alan K. Outram, Emily V. Johnson, Pierre Magniez
Activity report 2019

WG2 - The role of the carnivores in the human evolution: a taphonomical approach
Jordi Rosell Ardèvol, Jean-Baptiste Fourvel, Ruth Blasco
Activity report 2019

WG3- Taphonomic bias in dental microwear studies?
Antigone Uzunidis, Sergio Jiménez-Manchón, Florent Rivals
Activity report 2019

WG4 - Integrated taphonomical approaches on Coprolites remains
Montserrat Sanz Borras, Jean-Philip Brugal

WG5-  “Shell tools” Working Group –
Cuenca-Solana David, Manca Laura  Romagnoli Francesca 
Activity report 2019

WG6 - PISTA : Patina and Iron on Stone Tools from Africa
M. Igreja, M. Thomas, L. Dayet, P. Schmidt
Activity report 2019

WG7 - Advancing histo-taphonomic research: An initial network
Richard Madgwick (Cardiff University) and Yolanda Fernandez-Jalvo
Activity report 2019

WG8- Taphonomie pollinique
S. Jaouadi,V. Lebreton
Activity report 2019

WG9 - Fat broth?  bone broth? extracting nutrients from bones: taphonomical issues
D Unsain  & S. Valenzuela Lamas
Activity report 2019

Support jeune TaphoScientist
* L. Dussol: participation au 7th International Anthracology Meeting, Liverpool, UK, September 2-6, 2019

* D. Vetesse : participation au terrain et étude du site portugais de Lapedo (resp. M. Sanz et J. Daura, membre TaphEN)

Call for projects
Projects (detailed contents)

All people interested in any of these actions are asked to contact the PIs 
(see themes and names/mails below):

- Bone Breakage Working Group
Alan K. Outram1, Emily V. Johnson1, Pierre Magniez2
1 Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QE,
2 AMU, CNRS, MiC, UMR 7269 Lampea, Aix-en-Provence,
presentations (pdf files)
Activity report 2018

- The role of the carnivores in the human evolution: a taphonomical approach
Jordi Rosell Ardèvol (1), Jean-Baptiste Fourvel (2), Ruth Blasco (3)
(1) IPHES, Tarragona
(2) UMR 5608 Traces, Toulouse
(3) CENIEH, Burgos

- Trace Fossils as behavioral tool in Pleistocene Carnivores and other Mammals
Philippe Fosse, UMR 7269 LAMPEA,
Marco Avanzini, Museo delle Scienze, Trento,
Marian Cueto, Instit. Internac. de Investigaciones Prehistoricas de Cantabria, Santander,

- Integrated taphonomical approaches on Coprolites remains
Montserrat Sanz Borras (1), Jean-Philip Brugal (2)
(1) UCM Madrid/UNIARQ Lisbon,
(2) UMR 7269 Lampea, Aix-en-Provence
presentation and literature
Activity report 2018
- The analysis of insects-induced modifications on bones
Francesco Boschin – Università degli Studi di Siena;
Jean-Bernard Huchet – UMR 7209 Archaeozoo/Archaeobota & UMR 7205 ISYeB & UMR 5199 Pacea,
Activity report 2018

- New experimental method for the study of Prehistoric personal ornaments: State of the art
Renata Martínez-Cuesta, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander (Spain)
Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti, Instit. Internac. de Investigaciones Prehistoricas de Cantabria, Santander,
Solange Rigaud, CNRS UMR5199 PACEA, Univ. Bordeaux (France).
Alain Queffelec, CNRS UMR5199 PACEA, Univ. Bordeaux (France)
Activity report 2018

- Non-invasive study of the taphonomical phenomena in Aurignacian ivories by combined RBS/PIXE/PIGE imaging
Ina Reiche1, Claire Heckel2, Vladislav Zhitenev3, Nicholas Conard4 
1- PSL, Institut de recherche de chimie Paris (IRCP) UMR 8247 CNRS ENSCP & Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France,
2- New York University
3- Lomonosow University Moscow, Russia 
4- Universität de Tübingen, Germany
Activity report 2018

- Taphonomic bias in dental microwear studies?
Antigone Uzunidis (1), Sergio Jiménez-Manchón (2,3), Florent Rivals (4)
(1) UMR 7269 LAMPEA, Aix-en-Provence,
(2) UMR 5140 ASM, Montpellier,
(3)Labex ARCHIMEDE program IA- ANR-11-LABX-0032-01
(4) ICREA Research Professor, Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES),
Activity report 2018

- “Shell tools” Working Group 
Campmas Emilie / TRACES-UMR 5608 du CNRS, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France,
Cuenca-Solana David / IIIPC-Universidad de Cantabria Spain,
Manca Laura / MHNH, Paris France,
Romagnoli Francesca / UAM-Universitad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain;