TAPHEN is an International Research Network (IRN 0871) in Taphonomy at an European scale, created by the French CNRS, Institute of Ecology and Environment 
TAPHEN is a cross-disciplinary network of natural and social scientists dedicated to understanding the past remains accumulation and origin as well to understand their formations and modifications, during the Quaternary period marked by high climatic variation and appearance of the human lineage. This topic has strong implications for pour knowledge of paleoecosystems, vegetal and animal realms with their eco-ethological characteristics, and of history and ancient behavior of hominid and paleoethnology. 

TAPHEN brings together 17 academic organizations as principal partners, without to exclude staffs from other institutes, in transferable skills training from 6 European countries (see partners…) to stimulate interdisciplinary and intersectorial knowledge exchange between geologist, geochemist, paleontologist, (archeo)bioscientist, archaeologist, palaeoanthropologist, ecologist… in a network with professional and students at its core.

TAPHEN can combine (i) archaeological, biological and geological field work, (ii) laboratory measurements and natural experiments, (iii) numerical modeling at different range of scales and (iv) empirical bio-archeo-sciences data collection and analysis. The aim is to bring together different specialists within real pluridisciplinary approaches and to ensure wide dissemination of research backed up by cutting-edge, practical scientific knowledge in a field rich in applications for reconstructing the Past, from environments to human societies.  

Details in: Behrensmeyer