TaphEN V2.0 (2022 - 2026)

Dear Tapho Fellows

The International Research Network 0871 Taphonomy European Network (TaphEN) have been renewed by the french CNRS-INEE for the period 2022-2026, under the direction of P. Fosse, J.P. Brugal as secretary. It is a satisfaction to see that the CNRS is pursuing this program following the results of the first mandate 2017-2021.

Taphen is composed of several French labs, and partners in Portugal, Spain, Italy Germany and England. In fact the program is open to all people involved in Quaternary Taphonomy.

Scientific actions is proposed and concerns:

- Thematic actions within a working-groups (WG) frame;

- Support to young tapho scientists (for contribution in Meeting, stays in labs for competency acquisition/transfer);

- Support for organization of colloquia/congress or seminary;

- Implementation of research topics between universities, and co-direction of diplomas/degrees (Master or PhD)

- Free proposal to networking activities;

Some focus actions could be prioritized as: Create and share DataBase, (as a virtual ‘Taphotheque’, modern and fossil referential/natural and experimental in vitro and in vivo, 2D/3D-  comparative collection) ; to demonstrate the variability of records (Tapho-facies, Tapho-diversity). Likewise, comparatice subjects between cultural (archeology) and natural (paleontology) sites, as well as between fluviatile and karstic sites would be favored.

You can refer to our web site to get information on goals, partnership or WG.

The conditions to apply and develop projects are i) to gather staff from at least 2 European countries, ii) to have in some ways, (financial, logistic, equipment..) co-fundings (through your lab or other institutions)

You will find enclosed a first call for 2022, with a deadline of the 11th of March.

It is highly recommend to use the obtained funds before October 2022.

Feel free to ask for applications, any suggestions or ideas and send all your message to philippe.fosse@univ-amu.fr  and jean-philippe.brugal@univ-amu.fr

We remind you the TAPHOS meeting hold in Madrid-Alcala de Henares, 5-12th of June 2022, supported and organized by TaphEN and the WG Taphonomy of ICAZ.

As well, TaphEN is connected with the GDR BioArchedoDat2 co-dir. by  Emmanuelle Vila (UMR 5133 Archéorient) et Alexa Dufraisse (UMR 7209 AASPE) (copy to them).

Waiting for you return

Very Best Regards 

Ph. Fosse & J.Ph. Brugal