TaphEN V2.0 (2022 - 2026)

Dear Tapho Fellows

The International Research Network 0871 Taphonomy European Network (TaphEN) have been renewed by the french CNRS-INEE for the period 2022-2026, under the direction of P. Fosse, J.P. Brugal as secretary. It is a satisfaction to see that the CNRS is pursuing this program following the results of the first mandate 2017-2021.

Taphen is composed of several French labs, and partners in Portugal, Spain, Italy Germany and England. In fact the program is open to all people involved in Quaternary Taphonomy.

Scientific actions is proposed and concerns:

- Thematic actions within a working-groups (WG) frame;

- Support to young tapho scientists (for contribution in Meeting, stays in labs for competency acquisition/transfer);

- Support for organization of colloquia/congress or seminary;

- Implementation of research topics between universities, and co-direction of diplomas/degrees (Master or PhD)

- Free proposal to networking activities;

Some focus actions could be prioritized as: Create and share DataBase, (as a virtual ‘Taphotheque’, modern and fossil referential/natural and experimental in vitro and in vivo, 2D/3D-  comparative collection) ; to demonstrate the variability of records (Tapho-facies, Tapho-diversity). Likewise, comparatice subjects between cultural (archeology) and natural (paleontology) sites, as well as between fluviatile and karstic sites would be favored.

You can refer to our web site to get information on goals, partnership or WG.

The conditions to apply and develop projects are i) to gather staff from at least 2 European countries, ii) to have in some ways, (financial, logistic, equipment..) co-fundings (through your lab or other institutions)

You will find enclosed a first call for 2022, with a deadline of the 11th of March.

It is highly recommend to use the obtained funds before October 2022.

Feel free to ask for applications, any suggestions or ideas and send all your message to philippe.fosse@univ-amu.fr  and jean-philippe.brugal@univ-amu.fr

We remind you the TAPHOS meeting hold in Madrid-Alcala de Henares, 5-12th of June 2022, supported and organized by TaphEN and the WG Taphonomy of ICAZ.

As well, TaphEN is connected with the GDR BioArchedoDat2 co-dir. by  Emmanuelle Vila (UMR 5133 Archéorient) et Alexa Dufraisse (UMR 7209 AASPE) (copy to them).

Waiting for you return

Very Best Regards 

Ph. Fosse & J.Ph. Brugal



TAPHEN is an International Research Network (IRN 0871) in Taphonomy at an European scale, created by the French CNRS, Institute of Ecology and Environment 
TAPHEN is a cross-disciplinary network of natural and social scientists dedicated to understanding the past remains accumulation and origin as well to understand their formations and modifications, during the Quaternary period marked by high climatic variation and appearance of the human lineage. This topic has strong implications for pour knowledge of paleoecosystems, vegetal and animal realms with their eco-ethological characteristics, and of history and ancient behavior of hominid and paleoethnology. 

TAPHEN brings together 17 academic organizations as principal partners, without to exclude staffs from other institutes, in transferable skills training from 6 European countries (see partners…) to stimulate interdisciplinary and intersectorial knowledge exchange between geologist, geochemist, paleontologist, (archeo)bioscientist, archaeologist, palaeoanthropologist, ecologist… in a network with professional and students at its core.

TAPHEN can combine (i) archaeological, biological and geological field work, (ii) laboratory measurements and natural experiments, (iii) numerical modeling at different range of scales and (iv) empirical bio-archeo-sciences data collection and analysis. The aim is to bring together different specialists within real pluridisciplinary approaches and to ensure wide dissemination of research backed up by cutting-edge, practical scientific knowledge in a field rich in applications for reconstructing the Past, from environments to human societies.  

Details in: Behrensmeyer


European Network for Taphonomy

Taphonomical (‘laws of burial’) analysis is a first analytical step for all researches in paleoenvironmental, paleoecological, biochronological and palethnological studies. It allows to understand the site formation processes (for paleontological and archeological sites) as well as the structure and composition of studied fossil materials from all kind of past remains (fauna, flora, cultural; considered from micro- to macro scale). Taphonomy became essential in many scientific fields since the eighties, bringing important conceptual contributions with a renewal of paradigms. Publications dealing with or about Taphonomy have increased drastically for the last forty years. They developed trans- to pluri-disciplinary approaches (archaeology, palaeontology, geology, biology, ecology…) with a wide array of methodologies, then we could consider Taphonomy as an new integrative and federative Science (Taphology ?).
The Quaternary era is the latest geological period (from -2.6 Ma to present) marked by glacial climate in Northern Hemisphere as well as the appearance, evolution and dispersal of human groups and societies (Hominins), which frames the present day biomes and habitat distributions. This period is divided into Pleistocene (Paleolithic) and Holocene (Neolithic to present, including ‘Anthropocene’). Quaternary taphonomic studies are directly connected to our knowledge on fossil humans, their ecosystems and their cultures (zooarcheology, archeobotany, geoarcheology…). They are essential for better understanding the origin and history (i.e., function) of prehistoric sites as well as climatic and environmental contexts in which humans lived and evolved. The close chronological proximity between prehistoric and modern times allows to initiate experimental work (‘actualism’) on modern assemblages focusing on particular processes related to geological and biological (fauna, flora, human) actions, creating referential data used as relevant proxies.
The scientific community involved in the GDRI is composed of many scholars and students displaying very diverse approaches and analytical, sometimes sophisticated, tools (e.g., SEM to synchrotron). They bring forth important new results and demonstrate a real integration between various fields sharing similar prospective, especially for Paleoecology and Paleoanthropology s.l.
The Research group would be composed of several European partners, classified as A (France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, England) associated with other labs as partner B Partners A would play the role of coordination and facilitation teams.

The main scientific topics developed concern:
I. Site Formation processes & Weathering/fossilization
II. Animal and Human Predation – Hominid-Carnivore interactions
III. Paleoecology & Human Palethnology
IV. Neotaphonomy and Experimentation

in which several working-groups would be formed and coordinated according to specialties and interest of participants.
In this context, the combination of teams working on similar goals would favor fertile and active collaboration and exchange within a real European network.

From P. Andrews 1995, J. Archaeol. Sci.

Taphonomie-Réseau Européen

L’analyse taphonomique (‘lois de l’enfouissement’) est une étape indispensable à toutes études sur les reconstitutions paléoenvironnementale, paléoécologique, biochronologique ou palethnologique. Elle permet de comprendre la formation des sites fossiles (paléontologique et archéologique) ainsi que la structure et nature des ensembles étudiés, constitués de tous vestiges du Passé (faune, flore, culturel ; analyse aux échelles micro à macro). La Taphonomie est devenu prégnante dans de nombreux domaines de recherche et son apport a suscité des renouveaux conceptuels majeurs autant que de révisions notoires de paradigmes. Son essor au cours de ces 40 dernières années est assez spectaculaire. Il s’agit d’études qui font intervenir des approches trans- à pluri-disciplinaires (archéologie, paléontologie, sédimentologie, biologie, écologie,…) ; elle est devenue très fédératrice pour des communautés distinctes relevant des Sciences de la Terre, de la Vie, des matériaux, et des Sciences Humaines et Sociales; à tel point qu’elle mériterait de devenir un domaine particulier des Sciences.
Le Quaternaire est la dernière période géologique (-2.6 Ma à l’actuel) contemporaine des glaciations en Hémisphère Nord, de l’apparition, évolution et dispersion des groupes et sociétés humaines (Homininés) ainsi que de la mise en place des communautés et habitats actuels. Cette période recouvre le Pléistocène (Paléolithique), l’Holocène (Néolithique à actuel, intégrant l’ « Antropocène »). Les études taphonomiques sur le Quaternaire sont souvent directement liées à la connaissance des hommes fossiles, leurs milieux et leurs cultures (archéozoologie, archéobotanique, géoarchéologie…). Elles sont en effet essentielles pour préciser l’origine et l’histoire de la formation des sites ainsi que le contexte environnemental dans lesquels les hommes ont vécu et évolué. Enfin, la proximité chronologique entre la préhistoire et les temps modernes, permet d’initier de nombreux travaux expérimentaux sur les assemblages modernes (‘actualisme’), ciblant des processus particuliers liés aux actions géologiques ou biologiques (animale, végétale, anthropique), avec des résultats servant de proxies pertinentes.
La communauté concernée est nombreuse et très diverse, tant par les objets et périodes d’études que par la variété des outils analytiques (de plus en plus sophistiqués, e.g., du MEB, Raman au synchrotron) entrainant une intégration de disciplines partageant des problématiques comparables. Celles-ci sont essentiellement d’ordre Paléoécologique et Paléoanthropologique s.l. 
L’IRN est composé de plusieurs partenaires européens, distingués en partenaires A (France, Espagne, Portugal, Italie, Allemagne, Angleterre) associés à d’autres équipes considérées comme partenaires B. Le partenaire A jouera le rôle de coordination et d’animation des équipes de recherches.

Les principaux axes scientifiques sont :
I. Enfouissement/Dépôt & Altération/Fossilisation
II. Prédation animale et humaine – Interactions Homme-Carnivore
III. Paléoécologie & Palethnologie
IV. Néo-Taphonomie et Expérimentation

dans lesquels plusieurs groupes de travail seront créés et coordonnés selon les spécialités et intérêts des participants.

Dans le cadre de la demande, la conjonction d’équipes et personnels travaillant sur les mêmes objectifs favorise une collaboration active et fertile, et un réel échange, au sein d’un réseau européen.


The goals of The Taphonomy International Network (TaphEN) are to promote Taphonomy studies between the European teams and researchers. Different scientific axes and thematics are concerned (see Aims) covering a wide range of analysis and studies of  ‘objects’ s.l.  from the Quaternary epochconsidered with all their diversity and at different scales of analysis, within bio- and archeo-science frames. 

Possible  actions to develop an active and dynamic networking of the 
various actors in Taphonomy research (mobility, exchange)

- To initiate Working-groups favoring scientific exchanges and meetings between European partners  (see below: Actions 2018) ; include to some extend analysis cost, but not equipment;
- To organize Round-table, seminars... for WG or any specific themes related to taphonomy
- To encourage tranfer of competency (methodology) between teams and specialist, equipment and type of analysis, precise study protocols, support cost of analysis
- To create and to share DataBase, (as a virtual ‘Taphotheque’, modern and fossil referential/natural and experimental - in vitro and in vivo -  collection) ; to demonstrate the variability of records (Tapho-facies, Tapho-diversity)
- To support young taphoscientists, as contribution and participation to international congress or visit in laboratory or museum.

A call for projects happens at the beginning of each year (see  call for projects and projects pdf files below), funded partly by IRN (as ‘added value’). We also encourage colleagues to apply and to look for other funding at regional, national or international levels. 
 All requests have to be sent to the coordinator of taphen: jean-philippe.brugal@univ-amu.fr 
Call for Working-Groups or specific projects are sent each year with a deadline, but other requests can be sent all over the year. Requests will be considered by the Scientific Committee constituted by representative of all partners.

Call of projets s.l. for 2023 within the Taphonomy European Network
Deadline 13th, Februray, 2023

The second mandate of Taphonomy European Network (2022-2026) would support different actions in 2022; following the call of project and commitment taken in 2021 (as meetings reported due to Covid). As well, we supported some young researchers to attend meetings.
If you are interest to participate or contribute, especially for WG, feel free to contact the fellows involved and coord. of projects (see attached pdf file)

Call for projects (deadline 20th February 2020)

The IRN group aims to develop a network on the subject of taphonomical studies. It is composed of several European partners in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, England, with one coordinator by country and laboratories.
Taphonomical approaches are a fundamental first analytical step for researches in paleoenvironmental,paleoecological and palethnological studies. They are developed in realms of trans- to pluri-disciplinary analyses (archeology, paleontology, geology, biology, ecology...) using a wide range of methodologies, and can be considered as a new integrative domain in Earth Sciences, Biosciences and Archeosciences.

The IRN focus in particular on the time period of the Quaternary (but periods can be concerned if implication on Pleistocene-Holocene archives). Proposals can target all categories of remains within different scientific fields and level of observations (geological/biological, natural/cultural, nano- to macro-scale,...)…….

All details in: (pdf file to download):

How to sumit
Administrative Vademecum
How to acknowledge TaphEN

Proposals to be send to J.P. Brugal (JPB / jean-philippe.brugal@univ-amu.fr)
deadline : 20th, February 2020
Each Proposal will be send to the Steering Committee for ranking
Credits can be available from March
Note that funds need to be used as much as possible for end of June, or at least committed near our administration for actions/missions after June (the end of 2020 CNRS fiscal year is late October)


WG1 - Bone Breakage Working Group
Alan K. Outram, Emily V. Johnson, Pierre Magniez
Activity report 2019

WG2 - The role of the carnivores in the human evolution: a taphonomical approach
Jordi Rosell Ardèvol, Jean-Baptiste Fourvel, Ruth Blasco
Activity report 2019

WG3- Taphonomic bias in dental microwear studies?
Antigone Uzunidis, Sergio Jiménez-Manchón, Florent Rivals
Activity report 2019

WG4 - Integrated taphonomical approaches on Coprolites remains
Montserrat Sanz Borras, Jean-Philip Brugal

WG5-  “Shell tools” Working Group –
Cuenca-Solana David, Manca Laura  Romagnoli Francesca 
Activity report 2019

WG6 - PISTA : Patina and Iron on Stone Tools from Africa
M. Igreja, M. Thomas, L. Dayet, P. Schmidt
Activity report 2019

WG7 - Advancing histo-taphonomic research: An initial network
Richard Madgwick (Cardiff University) and Yolanda Fernandez-Jalvo
Activity report 2019

WG8- Taphonomie pollinique
S. Jaouadi,V. Lebreton
Activity report 2019

WG9 - Fat broth?  bone broth? extracting nutrients from bones: taphonomical issues
D Unsain  & S. Valenzuela Lamas
Activity report 2019

Support jeune TaphoScientist
* L. Dussol: participation au 7th International Anthracology Meeting, Liverpool, UK, September 2-6, 2019

* D. Vetesse : participation au terrain et étude du site portugais de Lapedo (resp. M. Sanz et J. Daura, membre TaphEN)

Call for projects
Projects (detailed contents)

All people interested in any of these actions are asked to contact the PIs 
(see themes and names/mails below):

- Bone Breakage Working Group
Alan K. Outram1, Emily V. Johnson1, Pierre Magniez2
1 Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QE, a.k.outram@exeter.ac.uk
2 AMU, CNRS, MiC, UMR 7269 Lampea, Aix-en-Provence, pierre.magniez@univ-amu.fr
presentations (pdf files)
Activity report 2018

- The role of the carnivores in the human evolution: a taphonomical approach
Jordi Rosell Ardèvol (1), Jean-Baptiste Fourvel (2), Ruth Blasco (3)
(1) IPHES, Tarragona jordi.rosellardevol@gmail.com
(2) UMR 5608 Traces, Toulouse jbfourvel@yahoo.com
(3) CENIEH, Burgos rblascolopez@gmail.com

- Trace Fossils as behavioral tool in Pleistocene Carnivores and other Mammals
Philippe Fosse, UMR 7269 LAMPEA, fosse@mmsh.univ-aix.fr
Marco Avanzini, Museo delle Scienze, Trento, marco.avanzini@muse.it
Marian Cueto, Instit. Internac. de Investigaciones Prehistoricas de Cantabria, Santander, mariancuetor@gmail.com

- Integrated taphonomical approaches on Coprolites remains
Montserrat Sanz Borras (1), Jean-Philip Brugal (2)
(1) UCM Madrid/UNIARQ Lisbon, grupquaternari@hotmail.com
(2) UMR 7269 Lampea, Aix-en-Provence jean-philippe.brugal@univ-amu.fr
presentation and literature
Activity report 2018
- The analysis of insects-induced modifications on bones
Francesco Boschin – Università degli Studi di Siena; fboschin@hotmail.com
Jean-Bernard Huchet – UMR 7209 Archaeozoo/Archaeobota & UMR 7205 ISYeB & UMR 5199 Pacea, huchet@mnhn.fr
Activity report 2018

- New experimental method for the study of Prehistoric personal ornaments: State of the art
Renata Martínez-Cuesta, Universidad de Cantabria, Santander (Spain) reny115.rm@gmail.com
Igor Gutiérrez-Zugasti, Instit. Internac. de Investigaciones Prehistoricas de Cantabria, Santander, igorgutierrez.zug@gmail.com
Solange Rigaud, CNRS UMR5199 PACEA, Univ. Bordeaux (France). srigaud17@gmail.com
Alain Queffelec, CNRS UMR5199 PACEA, Univ. Bordeaux (France) alain.queffelec@ubordeaux.fr
Activity report 2018

- Non-invasive study of the taphonomical phenomena in Aurignacian ivories by combined RBS/PIXE/PIGE imaging
Ina Reiche1, Claire Heckel2, Vladislav Zhitenev3, Nicholas Conard4 
1- PSL, Institut de recherche de chimie Paris (IRCP) UMR 8247 CNRS ENSCP & Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, 
2- New York University
3- Lomonosow University Moscow, Russia 
4- Universität de Tübingen, Germany
Activity report 2018

- Taphonomic bias in dental microwear studies?
Antigone Uzunidis (1), Sergio Jiménez-Manchón (2,3), Florent Rivals (4)
(1) UMR 7269 LAMPEA, Aix-en-Provence, antigone.uzunidis@wanadoo.fr
(2) UMR 5140 ASM, Montpellier, sergiojimenezmanchon@gmail.com
(3)Labex ARCHIMEDE program IA- ANR-11-LABX-0032-01
(4) ICREA Research Professor, Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), florent.rivals@icrea.cat
Activity report 2018

- “Shell tools” Working Group 
Campmas Emilie / TRACES-UMR 5608 du CNRS, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France, em.campmas@gmail.com
Cuenca-Solana David / IIIPC-Universidad de Cantabria Spain, david.cuencasolana@gmail.com
Manca Laura / MHNH, Paris France, laurarch78@gmail.com
Romagnoli Francesca / UAM-Universitad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain f.romagnoli2@gmail.com; francesca.romagnoli@uam.es


Nom du porteur Français :  Philippe FOSSE, CR - CNRS,
UMR 7269 LAMPEA (Laboratoire Méditerranéen de
Préhistoire, Europe-Afrique), Aix-en-Provence,
Estelle Herrscher (dir)
Tutelles : Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, MCC


UMR 7205 ISYEB (Institut de Systématique, Evolution  
et Biodiversité), Paris, P. Grancolas (Dir.)
Tutelles : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CNRS
Contact principal : Christiane Denys, PRCE, paléontologie,

UMR 5140 ASM (Archéologie des sociétés méditerranéennes),
David Lefèvre (Dir.)
Tutelles : CNRS, Univ. Montpellier
Contact principal Gardeisen Armelle, IRHC CNRS, archéozoologue,

UMR 5199 PACEA (De  La  Préhistoire  à  l’actuel :
Culture,  Environnement  et  Anthropologie), Bordeaux,
Anne Delagnes (Dir.)
Tutelles : CNRS, Univ. de Bordeaux
Contact principal : Patrice Courtaud, IR CNRS, paléoanthropologie,


UMR 7209, Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique
Sociétés, pratiques et environnements, Paris, Christine Lefevre (Dir.)
Tutelles : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CNRS
Contact principal : Jean-Bernard Huchet, IR2, archéoentomologie,

UMR 7194 HNHP (Histoire Naturelle de l’Homme Préhistorique), Paris, C. Falguères (dir)
Tutelles : CNRS, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
Univ. Perpignan
Contact principal : Anne-Marie Moigne, MCF, archéozoologue,
moigne@mnhn.fr http://hnhp.cnrs.fr/ 

ULR 7367  Unité de taphonomie médico-legale                            

Tutelles: Université de Lille - CHU Lille
Contact principal : B. Bertrand MCF  


CENIEH, Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre
la Evolución Humana, Burgos, A. Perez-Gonzalez (dir)
(Nota : agreement with IPHES, especially for taphonomy :
IPHES Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social,
Tarragone, R.Sala (dir.)
Tutelles : National Research Centre on Human Evolution, University
Contact principal : Ruth Blasco, CENIEH,
Jordi Rosell, IPHES,

IIIPC Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones Prehistoricas de Cantabria, Laboratoire de Bioarchéologie,
A.B .Marin-Arroyo (dir)
Tutelles : University of Cantabria,
Contact principal : A.B. Marin-Arroyo, archéozoologie,


UNIARQ - Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade
de Lisboa, V.S. Gonçalves (dir)
Tutelles : Université de Lisbonne (Fac. Des Lettres), FCT
Contact principal : Montserrat Sanz Borràs, archéozoologie,


UNIFE, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Sezione di
Scienze Preistoriche e Antropologiche, Ferrara, M.Peresani (dir)
Tutelles : University of Ferrara
Contact principal : Marco Peresani, PR, préhistorien,

U.R. Preistoria e Antropologia , Dip. di Scienze Fisiche,
della Terra e dell'Ambiente, Sienna,
Nadia Marchettini nadia.marchettini@unisi.it
Tutelles : Università degli Studi di Siena
Contact principal : Francesco Boschin, chercheur, archéozoologie,


INA (Institut for Archaeological Sciences, Archaeozoology),
Tübingen, N. Conard (dir)
Tutelles : Université de Tübingen
Contact principal : Nicholas Conard, PR, préhistorien,


College of Humanities, Department of Archaeology, A.K.Outram (dir)
Tutelles : University of Exeter
Contact principal : Alan K.Outram, PR, archéozoologue,

School of History, Archaeology and Religion,
Tutelles : University of Cardiff
Contact principal : Richard Madgwick, Lecturer,


Two directories are downloadable in "excel" format (xlsx);

1- all participants with name, with address, position, specialities, techniques, etc.

Full directory 2020, with details

2- all participants, with name, adress, country, email

Reduced directory


1)  Neotaphonomic collections Program

I am very pleased to send  you the program of the Taphen working group meeting entitled: Neotaphonomic collections and associated data  :  Definition, Management, Training, conservation 

Looking forward to see you in Paris on 17-18th October  (program)

Sincerely yours

Christiane Denys


ppt BrugalDenys, Fernandez JalvoLuzi, LeBreton, Rosell, Vetesse, Pean, Dannet, Compte-rendu

2) Session EAA on Percussive Osseous Industry a Human Revolution

between Pre-formation and Waste Selection, supported by TaphEN (IRN 0871)
deadline for the submission has been postponed to 14th February

flyer to see details

Organisers :Ursula Thun Hohenstein - University of Ferrara, Italy - ursula.thun@unife.it - Delphine Vettese - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, France - delphine.vettese@mnhn.fr - Juan Marin Hernando - IPHES, Spain - jmarin@iphes.cat

3) 6th Taphonomy Working Group and TAPHOS Meeting - Madrid 2022

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the Taphos’20 meeting with the 6th Taphonomy Working Group ICAZ conference, which had to be postponed due to the continuous COVID pandemic episodes, will finally take place together in a joint meeting in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) from 5th to 12th of June 2022.

Abstracts for your poster/oral presentations can be sent until the 20th of March, 2022. These short abstracts (400-500 words depending on whether or not it includes a figure or a table) will be published in the Journal of Taphonomy. We are negotiating with a couple of indexed journals to publish the extended articles.


It is an extraordinary occasion, celebrating the 30th anniversary of Taphonomy and Fossilization (TaFos). In 1990, the first edition was devised by Sixto Fernández López at the CSIC (Madrid). During the first Taphos, the masterpiece “Owls, Caves and Fossils” by P. Andrews was presented, and since then, this book has been a reference for any research dealing with small mammal taphonomy. This TAPHOS meeting will be dedicated to these two outstanding specialists in Taphonomy.


Besides, we will be honoured to have Dr A.K. Behrensmeyer giving the opening session conference.

IMPORTANT! We also have changed our email and website.

Best regards



4- The Past and Present Kingdom of Carnivores: Taphonomy, Eco-ethology, Biodiversity. Implications on the Human Behaviour
Natural History Museum, Toulouse, March 11-12th, 2021

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, meeting has to be held online, May 26th

Call for contributions
The interaction between humans and carnivores have always been constant, complex and, sometimes difficult. In order to better understand the evolution of these relationships and improve the current ones, we would like to attract researchers in different fields of science related to this subject in order to share their vision and discuss current challenges, developments, case studies, practical and integrated solutions, as well as new findings and approaches. This roundtable wants to be an opportunity to share experiences, to discuss specific problems from multidisciplinary approaches and to introduce the latest methodologies. The meeting is aimed at all those professionals who can contribute with their studies and observations to this issue, and gather archaeologists, palaeontologists, taphonomists, biologists, ecologists, ethologists, sociologists, historians, etc.

5- 9th International Conference on Taphonomy and Fossilisation (Taphos) - 6th ICAZ Taphonomy Working Group (TWGICAZ), Aug. 30 - sept. 6, 2020

We regret to announce that, under the health alert and the uncertain development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Organizing Committee of Taphos/ICAZ-TWG’2020 has just decided to postpone the congress until late August-early September 2021.
We will keep people informed through our website http://taphostwg2020.es  and other social networks.
 The Organisers

On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the 9th International Conference on Taphonomy and Fossilisation (Taphos) and the 6th ICAZ Taphonomy Working Group (TWGICAZ), which will take place in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain). The Conference will be held between Sunday 30th August and Sunday 6th September 2020, in the facilities of the Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid. It is organised by members of several Spanish institutions (CSIC, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Museo Geominero, Museo Arqueológico Regional, Dinopolis Foundation, Universidad de Cantabria), and is supported by the Spanish Paleontological Society, Transmitting Science, the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) and the TaphEn European network.

The year 2020 is a very special date for research in taphonomy, as it will be the 80th anniversary of the Efremov’s Taphonomy proposal as a New Branch of Paleontology, and 30 years since the first meeting on Fossilisation and Taphonomy took place (Madrid, 1990). For these reasons, in this meeting, we hope to gather specialists from all over the world, working on Taphonomy from different approaches. Thus, any contribution dealing with Taphonomy will be welcome. We hope this will be an excellent opportunity to facilitate interaction and communication between specialists working in different fields of Taphonomy.

We are honoured to have the participation of A.K. Behrensmeyer as keynote speaker of the inaugural session at this special celebration.

 Abstracts deadline1st May 2020. The best contribution will be awarded with a special prize.
 All relevant information concerning the venue, programme, accommodation and events will be available at the Conference website: http://taphostwg2020.es/

Contact email: taphostwg2020@gmail.com

6- Colloque en hommage à Emilie Campmas
2è circulaire
The "Human societies and environments in the circum-Mediterranean area from the Pleistocene to the early Holocene" congress, which will be held at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2020, is organized as a tribute to Émilie Campmas....

Date of the congress : 2-3 juin 2020.
Congress venue : Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Maison de la Recherche.
deadline to submit abstract : 20 février 2020.

Dear colleagues,

Given the situation and the uncertainty for the coming weeks, we regret to have to announce the postponement of the congress in tribute to Emilie Campmas, initially scheduled on 2 and 3 June in Toulouse: "Human societies and environments in the circum-Mediterranean area from the Pleistocene to the early Holocene".
All those who have already paid for tickets or other expenses are invited to contact us as soon as possible. We hope that most of the tickets are exchangeable or will be convert into assets.
Several other congresses are already scheduled at the end of this year, and thus, the new dates could be for March 8 and 9, 2021. Would these new dates be convenient for you?
For the time being, we still have to wait to find out if all the funding allocated this year can be carried forward to 2021 (almost all of them are ok).
As soon as we have this information, we will confirm the new dates.

All our best regards,
The organizing commitee.

7- 6ème CONEXP Première circulaire
6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology of the association EXPERIMENTA (EXARC member)

Dear colleagues,
We are glad to announce the 6th International Congress of Experimental Archaeology of the association EXPERIMENTA (EXARC member). It is organized in partnership with the UMR 7194 – HNHP and the UMR 7041 – ArScAn (ANTET team). The congress will be held for the first time out of Spain, in Pézenas (Hérault, France), between 20 and 22nd of October 2020.
The aim of the 6th CONEXP is to bring together researchers from diverse thematic backgrounds working on past societies, from Palaeolithic to historic periods (technologists, traceologists, zooarchaeologists, from environmental sciences etc.).

Dear colleagues,

Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, the deadline for submission of abstracts (communications, posters or public demonstrations) was extended to  26 June 2020. We are aware of the current difficulties of many researchers. This report aims to enable as many people as possible to participate in this important scientific meeting to experimental archaeology.
Furthermore, this will allow us to better assess the evolution of the health constraints linked to the epidemic and to decide on postponing or maintaining this scientific meeting for the end of October. Decision will be made before summer.
In case the congress is postponed in 2021, the already paid abstracts and registrations will obviously remain valid.

We hope that many of you will attend this congress.
Take care
The Organizing Committee

8- Special issue in Minerals (MDPI) 
The number of journals to publish manuscripts dedicated to the first stages of diagenetic processes is small. So may be you are interested by the opportunity to submit a manuscript in the special issue entitled: Fake News in Paleoenvironmental and Paleophysiological Interpretations: Diagenetic Changes of Biominerals
Results about all stages of alterations and induced bias in palaeo-environmental reconstructions, from capture of a prey to fossil collection, are welcome.
About this issue: new deadline: September 20, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Our knowledge of biodiversity of the past comes from the remains of living organisms: fossils. Unfortunately, most often, only originally mineralized parts of the organisms, such as bones, teeth, and "shells", are preserved in the fossil record. In contrast to synthetically or geologically formed minerals, those formed by organisms (biominerals) exhibit taxa-specific composite organic–mineral structures and heterogenous biogeochemical compositions, making biominerals prone to selective diagenetic alteration and/or dissolution. Consequently, at a given fossil locality, different preservation behaviors of biominerals can be a source of significant biases in paleoenvironmental and paleobiological interpretations, including past biodiversity.

This Special Issue is dedicated to papers dealing with fossilization mechanisms of biominerals, based on analyses of modern and fossil samples, and experimental data. New data on alterations of samples in collections are also welcome.

Dr. Yannicke Dauphin
Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Stolarski
Guest Editors

About the Journal:
Minerals is open source, so there are fees. By contacting one of the guest editors, you can have reduced fees. The impact factor is 2.25.

9- 3rd Annual Meeting – TaphEn Group, 26th November 2019 - Santander, Spain

10- Conference in Florence – Metrology 2019
Workshop about 3D and taphonomy (from Francesco Boschin fboschin@hotmail.com and coll.)  organized for a conference in metrology, that will take place in Florence next  4 to 6 December 2019. It could be a first step toward the organization of a TaphEN working group for the next year

web site of the conference:

11- Bone fracture and fragmentation workshop, 17th March 2019, 10 am - 5 pm

A new research centre here:

As part of that we are putting together a series of free workshops open to academic and professional archaeologists on specialist topics (GMM, fish remains, isotopes) and I’m going to do one on fracture and fragmentation analysis (see attached draft description). Some participants could potentially add to the  event on the march 17th too (thus that workshop could also be regarded as a Taphen output).

12- Humans and Caprines: from mountain to steppe, from hunting to husbandry" • conference, 16 - 18 Oct. 2018, Antibes (France)
 The 39th Rencontres Internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire d’Antibes, which will take place from 16th to 18th of October 2018, will focus on the topic of the Humans-Caprines relationship in prehistoric and historical times. Entitled “Humans and Caprines : from mountain to steppe, from hunting to husbandry”, this congress, with an international scope, will attempt to relate the history of this long and close relationship. The aim of this congress ...
 To see details: http://www.cepam.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article2528&lang=fr

13- Journée thématique dédiée à la taphonomie
Le DIM Matériaux anciens et patrimoniaux organise une journée thématique dédiée aux 

« Développements méthodologiques en taphonomie ».
L’événement aura lieu le 10 octobre 2018 dans l’auditorium de la Grande Galerie de l’Évolution, au Muséum national d’histoire naturelle de Paris.
L’objectif de la journée sera d’amener la communauté francilienne travaillant dans ces domaines à se rencontrer et à mener un dialogue interdisciplinaire avec des responsables de plateformes et de grands équipements afin de monter à terme des projets novateurs.

Deux axes seront abordés au cours de la journée :

  • Nouveaux usages et nouvelles méthodes de la taphonomie ;
  • Nécessité et développement des protocoles expérimentaux nouveaux à toutes les échelles.

1425 et 26 octobre 2018 : meeting WG Shell Tools, 
Master Arts, Sociétés, Environnements de la Préhistoire et de la Protohistoire : Europe, Afrique  
INR TaphEN (dir. J.P. Brugal, LAMPEA-UMR 7269 du CNRS)

Coordinateurs: E. Campmas, D. Cuenca-Solana, L. Manca, F. Romagnoli
La présence de coquilles dans les contextes archéologiques est généralement attribuée à des déchets alimentaires ou à des ornements. Par conséquent, leur utilisation en tant qu'outils a souvent été sous-estimée. Cependant, depuis une dizaine d’années, des études attestent de l'utilisation d'outils en coquille de mollusques et cela, depuis le Pléistocène et durant l’Holocène. Des données ethnographiques confirment l’utilisation de ces matériaux comme outils jusqu’à très récemment. Les analyses tracéologiques montrent qu’aussi bien des coquilles de bivalves que de gastéropodes ont été utilisées pour des activités de raclage et de découpe d’une grande variété de matériaux. Les analyses technologiques, elles, suggèrent que même si l’exploitation de ces matériaux peut correspondre à des comportements opportuns, elle peut aussi traduire une réelle recherche de cette matière et la production d’outils qui répondent à des utilisations planifiées. En parallèle à la multiplication des analyses archéologiques, taphonomiques et expérimentales des coquilles de mollusques, les moyens d’étude (chimiques, microscopiques ou technologiques) permettant d’identifier les outils en coquilles en contexte archéologique se sont affinés. Cependant, certains aspects nécessitent encore d’être précisés. Le working group « Shell tools » de l’INR-TaphEN a pour objectifs : 1) d’améliorer la compréhension des processus taphonomiques qui jouent sur la conservation des coquilles et des traces d’utilisation ; 2) d’affiner nos connaissances sur l’identification des zones d'approvisionnement, ainsi que sur les critères et procédures de collecte des coquilles ; 3) de préciser les stratégies techno-économiques mises en oeuvre. Ces travaux permettront ainsi de codifier des clefs d’interprétation des ressources malacologiques au-delà des stratégies de subsistance et d'améliorer la connaissance de la diversité comportementale humaine durant la Préhistoire. Dans ce cadre, ce groupe de recherche va élaborer des protocoles d’analyse et d’expérimentation pour combler des lacunes dans l’interprétation du matériel archéologique et présenter les résultats auprès des étudiants et de la communauté scientifique. Ce séminaire constitue donc la première rencontre (visant à présenter les personnes intéressées par le sujet et à identifier les besoins en termes de financements et des référentiels expérimentaux) réalisée dans le cadre ce groupe de travail.

15- TAPHOS - NOMOS - 2nd to 4th November 2018
An interdisciplinary symposium on taphonomic and post-mortem research in archaeology, forensic science and palaeontology

School of Forensic and Applied Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2HE, UK
provisional programme: https://taphonomyuclan.wordpress.com/
For further details please contact:

Dr Patrick Randolph‐Quinney
Tel: +44 (0)1772 895683
Email: PRandolph‐Quinney@uclan.ac.uk